The Bengfort Toolkit
Programming life has finally caused me to give into something that I’ve resisted for a while: the creation of a Bengfort Toolkit and specifically a benlib. This post is mostly a reminder that this toolkit now exists and that I spent valuable time creating it against my better judgement. And as a result, I should probably use it and update it. I’ve already written (whoops, I almost said “you’ve already read” but I know no one reads this) posts about tools that I use frequently including []({% post_url 2016-01-12-codetime-and-clock %}) and [requires]({% post_url 2016-01-21-freezing-requirements %}). These things have been simply Python scripts that I’ve put in ~/bin, which is part of my $PATH. These are too small or simple to require full blown repositories and PyPI listings on their own merit. Plus, I honestly believe that I’m the only one that uses them. ...